Educational Projects
Mais Caminhos offers educational opportunities to kids from underprivileged backgrounds in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. We offer a variety of courses in order to help the kids to develop academically.
Our tutoring program offers tutoring sessions for kids from ages 8 to 18. We have volunteers helping the kids with specific school subjects, homework, and accompanying their school development. The tutoring project happens at the language centre from Monday to Friday during the evenings.
English lessons
Mais Caminhos offers Intensive English courses for kids and teens ages 10 to 18. Lessons are provided by professional teachers and international volunteers. We believe that English is the global language and that offering lessons to our students will widen their educational and professional opportunities. The help of sponsors to make this course possible has been essential. We thank our main partner in this program, Bayswater College.
Building Our Future
A six-week program called ‘Building Our Future’ was designed and delivered to the intermediate English Programme students. Each session run straight after English classes on Mondays and Thursdays and consisted of a one-hour coaching session, followed by a 30-minute talk by a guest speaker. Sessions include topics such as; objective and goal setting, interview preparation, presentation skills, CV writing, and stress management. Speakers invited to sessions all come from communities themselves and are chosen as a result of their perseverance, dedication, and success stories. We use the opportunity to demonstrate to our young people that positive role models are active in their communities and that with hard work and determination, they can achieve whatever goals they set for themselves.
Holiday Camps
During the public school recess, Mais Caminhos organises camps that allow children to enjoy their holidays while having fun and building social-emotional skills. Mais Caminhos plans outdoor, recreational, and cultural activities for the camp. This holiday camp allows children from the slums to spend their holidays learning through creative activities and exciting field trips.